Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Art: Francisco de Goya

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries and throughout his long career was a commentator and chronicler of his era. Immensely successful in his lifetime, Goya is often referred to as both the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns. He was also one of the great contemporary portraitists. Here is a list with some of his artwork:

1. Francesco Goya y Lucientes, Pintor
Medium: etching, aquatint,drypoint and burin
Dated: 1799

2. Origen de los arpones o banderillas (Origin of the Harpoons or Banderillas)

Medium: etching, aquatint,drypoint and burin
Dated: 1816

3. Moenippvs (Moenippus)
Medium: etching
Dated: 1778

4. Disparate de Carnabal (Carnival Folly)
Medium: etching and aquatint
Dated: 1816

5. Disparate ridiculo (Ridiculous Folly)
Medium: etching, aquatint and drypoint
Dated: 1816

6. Quien mas rendido? (Which of Them Is the More Overcome?)
Medium: etching, aquatint and drypoint
Dated: 1799

7. El animoso moro Gazul es el primero que lanceo toros en regla (The Spirited Moor Gazul is the First to Spear Bulls According to Rules)
Medium: etching, burnished aquatint and drypoint
Dated: 1816

8. Disparate desordenado (Disorderly Folly)
Medium: etching, aquatint and drypoint
Dated: 1816

9. La lealtad (Loyalty)
Medium: etching and burnished aquatint
Dated: 1816

If you wish to download whole gallery,please follow this link: CLICK HERE

Here are some interesting fatcs about Goya:
1. He was rejected from art school.
2. Later in life he got successful enough to gain admission to the art school that rejected him.
3. He painted rococo-style tapestry cartoons in order to gain more fame and attention.
4. He had an undiagnosed illness that left him completely deaf.
5. After his mysterious illness, Goya became more withdrawn, paranoid, and introspective:
  • He began painting non-commissioned works, which often featured dark themes, a bleak view of humanity, a fear of madness, creatures from mythology, and were often critiques of war, greed, and the nobility.
  • The most famous example is of Saturn Devouring His Son, one of the 14 so-called Black Paintings that Goya painted directly onto the walls of his house, the Quinta del Sordo (“Deaf Man’s Villa”) between 1819 and 1823.


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